Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter Recap (Part 1)

We're finally getting around to posting photos from our Easter trip to Nebraska.  This first stage of the trip takes us to Linda's parents and then on to my Grandpa's.

Linda's Mom has a daycare and Lincoln was the hit of the party on Friday.  All the kids would swarm around him and want him to play with them.  Lincoln will have to get used to being popular...he probably won't be able to avoid it later in life.

At my Grandpa's house, Lincoln and Grandpa got to spend some quality time playing "This Little Piggy".  Also, Lincoln and his cousin Austyn got to hang out for a little while.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Waiting for an Easter post?

We've taken a bunch of pictures over our Easter holiday in Nebraska, but Lincoln would like us to wait until he finishes his delicious Burger King chocolate milkshake before we post them...

He'd also like us to remind you that chocolate milkshakes are reeeeaaaallly thick so it may take a while (but we're having lots of fun!!)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lincoln's New Game

Lincoln has a new game.  It's a strange game, but he likes it.  

Here's a quick description -- Lincoln goes into our bedroom closet and we pass coins back-and-forth under the door.  Sometimes he uses his hand...sometimes his foot.  Sometimes the coins go under the door...sometimes through the door.

Here's a video of the action.  It's a little longer than usual, but I needed to give you a sense of the time spent playing this game.  These closet-playing sessions are not short.

Editors Note:  We accept the fact that we are opening ourselves up for jokes about Lincoln being "in the closet".  Just know that now that I've mentioned it they are no longer original or witty.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Reveal!!

After many difficult weekends full of blood, sweat, and tears we have finally completed Lincoln's room (okay, there wasn't really any blood or tears and the sweat was mostly Scott's, but you get the idea). We're pretty happy with the result and are ready to begin redecorating other rooms in the house.

We painted the room a light beige with white trim. The grey square with the blue border in the corner is actually magnetic paint - we purchased some magnets so Lincoln can practice his letters and numbers. Scott painted frames on the other side of the window and included some pictures so Lincoln can always see Mommy and Daddy. On the opposite wall we put up some car and truck stickers above Lincoln's crib.

Last weekend was nice and warm and Scott took the opportunity to catch up on some lawn work. Lincoln loves to watch dad use his "mow mow", so when Scott went outside to work Lincoln took the opportunity to break out his own "mow mow". We're pretty impressed with Lincoln's work and we're hoping Lincoln will take over all lawn duties soon.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Time for painting

Our first project in the new house has been painting and decorating Lincoln's room.  We're not ready for the big reveal yet, but here's a preview.

As you can see Lincoln did his best to help (with paint brush, monster truck, and cracker in hand), but in the end Mom and Dad did most of the work.