Monday, October 29, 2007

Moving Day!!

Last week we officially purchased and moved into our new house!! It was a hectic, busy week - but we had lots of help from our family. Scott's parents came on Wednesday and Thursday to help do the move, and my parents were here over the weekend to help us get things sorted out and put away in the new digs. Since I have no vacation with the new job, my work was relegated to the evenings and the weekends, so we really appreciated the help!!

If you haven't received our new address, send one of us an e-mail (use the "contact" links) or post a comment and we'll send it your way.


Tricia said...

Congratulations! Lincoln looks excited...and big. Our babies are growing into little boys.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new house! I hope moving wasn't too stressful. I went through it not too long ago...we still have boxes hanging around! (But when the basement is finished, that stuff will have a home too!)