Thursday, May 24, 2007

Iconoclast Baby

Lincoln's turning out to be quite the iconoclast baby! For the past couple of weeks he's been teething again - but being the creative type, he's decided not to go about this process in the ordinary fashion. Instead of getting the top two front teeth (which is the "normal" progression from the bottom front teeth), he's gotten one top front tooth and one top side tooth (I think it's called incisor?). It's given him a hip assymetrical look that's totally in fashion these days. We're hoping he gets the other two teeth soon to complete the set.

So far all attempts to photograph the new pearlies have failed, but I will try to get a picture so you can see what I'm talking about.


Anonymous said...

First I had to look up the meaning of the word "iconoclast" but it wasn't in my dictionary! But I guess it means he takes after his Mom and Dad. Try to get a good picture of his new teeth.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pat for asking what that word means! I fear we must rush to spend early years with our baby as he may be reading books well beyond me in no time!

Cute and bright good combination

Linda said...

Iconoclast: Someone who attacks traditional beliefs. After spending 8+ years in college, I feel the need sometimes to use a couple of the extra-large words that I paid so much money for.