Friday, May 23, 2008

A Word from the Wise

Lincoln has taken a renewed interest in books this week.  He is no longer content to sit quietly and listen to stories, but adamantly declares when it is "his turn" to read.  His favorite book to read to us is "Bear Hunt", which has an exciting ending involving....a bear.  Scott was able to catch one of his readings on film the other night.  Unfortunately, as you will see in the clip, his ability to turn pages has not quite caught up to his enthusiasm for reading.


Grandma Pat said...

Lincoln is a very good reader.Lots of enthusiasm and expression. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Lincoln, you are an awesome reader!!! You remind me so much of your dad. He was into "Long long ago,in a galaxy far far away." Keep up the good work buddy! PS you are getting a lot of hair.