Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pulling Up: The Sequel

Scott and I learned this weekend that not only can Lincoln pull himself up on bookshelves and couches, he can also pull himself up in his crib. We discovered this when we woke up Sunday morning and were greeted by Lincoln standing in his crib, staring at us. As a result, we have now lowered the mattress in the crib to the lowest setting. So now he can lay on his tummy and stare at us, sit up and stare at us, but (at least for now) he can not stand and stare at us on weekend morning.

With all of Lincoln's new developments, he has become a lot more fun to play with. Some of his favorite games include crawling through "obstacle courses" of pillows, large stuffed animals, tunnels, and (unfortunately for Cheetara) cats. He has also been known to crawl over Scott and myself, although he prefers to "attack" us by grabbing our faces or belts, strings, etc. I have a feeling that if we could read his mind, we would just hear the mantra "gogogogogogogo - must keep gooooooooing!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll keep all this in mind for this weekend!