Friday, March 23, 2007

Pulling Up

It seems that every day Lincoln is reaching a new milestone. Yesterday I set him in the living room to do some work in the kitchen. After a couple of minutes I came back to check on him, and saw this:

Yes, Lincoln is pulling up now. He's been standing up against furniture for a couple of weeks. Now it seems he's able to stand up by himself using a table, couch, or (his most popular choice) the bookshelf. Miss Lucy thinks he'll be walking early, and I'm inclined to think so, too. Unfortunately, his ability to stand up is not matched with an ability to sit back down. So for now, Scott or I need to be close by in case he needs to do a quick landing.

His reading choice in the photo is the "Journal of Post Keynesian Economics". Apparently "Fluffy Chick and Friends" was no longer stimulating enough for him.


Anonymous said...

His abrupt landings are but a few progressive leaps toward bipedalism!

The funny thing is, his tumbles are likely more painful for mom and pop than for his 400-some-odd bones and rubber band-like ligaments.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that he is expanding his reading material. Makes me think we had better do some child proofing here too!