Friday, April 13, 2007

A Healthier Baby

We have good news - it appears that the antibiotic is working and Lincoln is feeling much better. If any of you have experience with kids and ear infections, though, you know that antibiotics have some...unpleasant...side effects. Since I've already grossed out everyone with my last "poo" post, I won't go into the gory details. I'll just say that Lincoln now requires a couple of clothing changes each day. The "incidents" only happen about twice a day, so I don't think he's at risk of dehydration, and he doesn't appear to be uncomfortable otherwise. Scott and I just have to remind ourselves that it's only for one more week (ONE MORE WEEK???) ugh.

Lucky for me, Lincoln's at daycare today (Lucy felt bad that Lincoln missed two days in the past two weeks), so I shouldn't have to deal with his afternoon "delivery".

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