Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Company Picnic

Last weekend we travelled to Blue Springs for Scott's company picnic. Lincoln is very "distractable" at this age, and Scott and I spent most of the picnic trying to keep him calm enough to eat. True to the spirit of his "monster truck" hat, Lincoln wanted to be where the action was and eat manly hamburgers - not drink from a pansy baby bottle. Of course, even with a monster truck hat it's hard to pass for a "big boy" when you're wearing a Pooh outfit...


Anonymous said...

Love those family picnics, remember eating a hamburger will beat the dirt you will catch him putting in his mouth!.
If he is like his dad and uncle he will have very fast hands and you will become expert at digging from his mouth mysterious things!

Great pictures I'm taking them all to the store to share

Anonymous said...

Hey! Item #3 arrived for you today. *grin* Ah, except this one and #2 are being set aside for *January*! Oh, I'm evil, aren't I? Heeheeheehee.

Just wanted you to know I'm still thinking about your tastes and how I can spoil you the best.